Friday, March 21, 2008

The Real Valentine's Day

Today is good Friday. The day the son of God laid down his life as an atonement for our sins. As a sinner this display of love is immense. How can someone love me so much to do such a thing. Little sinful me with all my flaws, weaknesses and proclivities. How can someone love me so much to keep wiping the slate clean urging me to strive on to perfection. No matter how hard i try, i just cant get round the magnitude of God's mercy and love for me.

This sort of display of affection is humbling.I mean it just has to be. When i take a good look at my life, i know i dont deserve half the things that happened to me. All the close shaves that i survived. The blessings i received. Given all the things ive done in return, i just dont merit that sort of favour. But father you found in somewhere in your heart to bless me all the same.

As we all celebrate the real Vals day, i wish everyone the best. May we never stray away from where God's love can reach us. And if we do, remember the parable of the prodigal son. He will always take you back.

Take care peeps

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